Malayalam flick Manjummel Boys made history by becoming the highest-grossing Malayalam film by crossing the Rs 200 Cr mark. This is a big surprise and hugely unbelievable achievement for a film that was released without much expectation. A small film starring an ensemble cast achieved what even the movies of stalwart Malayalam stars could not.
Manjummel Boys falls in the survival thriller genre and pocketed record collections of Rs 200 Cr even before a month of its release. This is a huge feat in terms of Malayalam box office collections. As Manjummel Boys got good publicity on social media, word spread about the movie even outside Kerala. To cash in on the Manjummel Boys craze, it is also being dubbed and released in Telugu next week.
Manjummel Boys is written and directed by Chidambaram. Shoubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Ganapati, Jean Paul Lal, and others acted in his record-grosser. It is produced by Shawn Antony, Babu Shahir, and Soubin Shahir.